
Medias to learn the Angular framework

  • Angular Air is a very interesting podcast dedicated to the Angular ecosystem, it is broadcast live via Youtube. The podcast brings together several experienced developers such as Justin Schwartzenberger, Alyssa Nicoll, Mike Brocchi and Bonnie Brennan. In addition, a different guest is invited to present a theme of the Angular ecosystem. Angular Air

  • The Angular Show is the official podcast of the well know NG-Conf which is the biggest world conference dedicated only to the Angular ecosystem. The Angular Show

  • The Angular Architecture Podcast is a podcast created by Matt Vaughn and hosted on Soundcloud. The podcast covers advanced topics of enterprise-grade application architecture with Angular. The Angular Architecture Podcast

  • Adventures In Angular is a podcast hosted on Devchat TV. Experienced developers are invited to discuss a variety of topics in the Angular ecosystem. Adventures In Angular

  • Angular Unfiltered is a podcast created by Brandon Roberts and hosted on Twitch. Brandon is an experienced Angular Architect at Nrwl and NgRx core maintainer. Angular Unfiltered

  • NG-Poland is the official YouTube channel of the Angular community in Poland. NG-Poland

  • NG-DE is the official Youtube channel of the first non-profit community-driven Angular conference in Germany. NG-DE

  • AngularToronto is the official YouTube channel of the Angular community in Toronto. AngularToronto

  • Angular Heidelberg is the official YouTube channel of the Angular community in Heidelberg. Angular Heidelberg

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