Angular Consulting
Angular is a recognized tool that allows companies to build all types of modern tools such as softwares, websites, webapps and even Android and iOS mobile applications. Our broad expertise allows us to offer you an adapted consulting service covering the entire Angular ecosystem.
You want to work with Angular?
We help enterprises to start their new project using the Angular framework as a base foundation for their front-end architecture. We can help you to do the first step by providing any kind of help such as: recommendations, design patterns and best practices to follow in order to secure your long-term goal.
You are already working with Angular?
We help enterprises to continue development of an existing project. You can determine where you need help and our expert will be there to bring you support in this complex situation you are facing. Our years of experience with the famous Google framework have led us to work on diverse and varied subjects both to boost the productivity of startups, small and medium-sized companies but also to ensure the scalability of large groups with growing development teams. All the topics revolving around the Angular ecosystem are close to our hearts, here are some current topics that we have dealt with lately, process automation, generations of code from API definition schema, implementation of a enterprise monorepository, migration of monolithic applications to NX Workspace, optimization of application performance, ensuring code quality through linting, formatting, reporting, implementation of a testing and continuous deployment process, implementation of server-side rendering with Universal, pre-rendering with Scully, analysis and optimization of SEO of Angular applications...
Ask for your tailor-made consulting!
You can immediately contact us by filling the form below, you must provide us few information regarding your enterprise and your project and we will be able to offer you a tailor-made quote in few hours. Request a review!