Angular Lib: User Interface
- ng-bootstrap is the integration of the well know Bootstrap CSS framework with APIs designed for the Angular ecosystem. No dependencies on 3rd party JavaScript. ng-bootstrap
- ngx-bootstrap is another integration of Bootstrap with Angular components, so no needs to include the Bootstrap javascript. ngx-bootstrap
- ngx-ui is a UI library made by Swimlane which includes component and style for Angular. ngx-ui
- nebular is a customizable Angular UI Library with a focus on beautiful design and ability to adapt it to your brand easily. nebular
- clarity is an open source design system that brings together UX guidelines, an HTML/CSS framework, Angular components, and Web Components. clarity
- jigsaw provides a set of web components based on Angular. jigsaw
- primeng is a collection of rich UI components for Angular developed by PrimeTek Informatics. primeng
- angular/material is the official components for Angular made by the Angular team. The team builds and maintains both common UI components and tools to help you build your own custom components. material
- ng-devui is a design system that contains a combination of UI rules, design languages, and best practices. ng-devui
- ng-zorro-antd is an enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular that support OnPush mode and consequently helps to build high performance apps. ng-zorro-antd
- ng-zorro-antd-mobile is the Angular implementation of Ant Design Mobile specification, serving Alibaba big data wireless service. ng-zorro-antd-mobile
- ng-lightning is a library that contains native Angular components and directives written from scratch in TypeScript using the Lightning Design System CSS framework. ng-lightning
- ngSemantic is a library that provides building blocks based on Semantic UI. ngSemantic
- kikstart-ui is a set of ready to use declarative Angular UI components. kikstart-ui
- igniteui-angular is a complete set of Material-based UI Widgets, Components & Sketch UI kits and supporting directives for Angular. This set of components is made by Infragistics and it provides functionality never before seen on any other user interface library. These advanced components allow you to do anything imaginable with lists, tables, grids, and charts. In addition to that the performances are optimal thanks to the use of the virtual scroll. igniteui-angular
- ngx-bulma is a library that provides Angular implementation of Bulma CSS which is a famous UI lib based on flexbox. ngx-bulma
- ng-metro4 is the Angular implementation of Metro4 UI library to build applications in Windows Metro Style. ng-metro4
- covalent is a reusable UI platform from Teradata for building web applications with common standards and tooling. It is based on Angular and Material Design. covalent
- ng-aquila is another fairly comprehensive user interface component library developed by Allianz GDF for the Open Insurance Platform project. ng-aquila
- taiga-ui Taiga UI is an optimized Angular user interface kit, composed of several base libraries and several add-ons it is built using the principle of polymorphism. taiga-ui
- angular-fullpage is the official Angular wrapper of the famous fullpage.js library which is a very useful library to make a simple and nice landing page. angular-fullpage
- infor-design/enterprise-ng is an Angular wrapper for the design system library made by Info Design to facilitate the integration of IDS Enterprise components in Angular. infor-design/enterprise-ng
- oblique is tailored for your swiss branded business web application, indeed it provides a standardized corporate design look and feel as well as a collection of ready-to-use Angular components. oblique
- fundamental-ngx is an official and open-source user interface library created by SAP providing Angular components in accordance with the guidelines of the library created by the company called Fundamental Styles. fundamental-ngx
- halstack-angular DXC Angular Components is a library of reusable elements designed by DXC, a globally recognized leader in IT services. This library has been designed with the aim of helping Angular developers in the task of implementing user interfaces that follow DXC design guidelines called Halstack Design System in order to implement applications with visual and behavioral consistency of a high level of quality. halstack-angular
- kendo-angular is a paid library offering a set of high quality native Angular components for businesses. kendo-angular
- mosaic is a library of UI Components for Angular. Those components are called Mosaic and they are the building blocks of Positive Technologies, a leading global provider of enterprise security solutions. mosaic
- kirbydesign/designsystem is a library of UI components implementing the Kirby Design Philosophy, a flexible approach while providing an unified user experience and streamlining collaboration between designers and developers. kirbydesign/designsystem
- src-zone/material is an open-source library called Blox Material based on Google's Material Components for the Web and providing a lightweight implementation of Material Design. src-zone/material
- material-community-components is a set of components made by the community that follows the Material principle and that aren't available in the Angular Material at the moment. material-community-components
- mobiscroll is a UI library for progressive webapps and hybrid development that provides a set of components mostly related to number, date and time picker but also some gesture components very useful for mobile devices. mobiscroll
- deepkit/desktop-ui is a library made by Marc J. Schmidt that provides a set of user interface components for fast GUI development based on Angular and Electron and a specific theming for the differents OS such as MacOS, Windows and Linux. deepkit/desktop-ui
- ng-matero/extensions is another Angular Material extensions that provides a set of new components such as a color picker or a split pane. ng-matero/extensions
- carbon-components/angular is the official Angular implementation of the Carbon Design System made by the multinational company IBM. carbon-components/angular
- sbb/angular is a set of packages made open source by the Swiss Federal Railways and that is implementing the SBB digital guidelines. One package is intended for public websites while the other one is for business applications. sbb/angular
- alauda-ui is an open-source library created by the company called Alauda which is a cloud services provider based in China. The library offers a complete set of UI components ready to use in any Angular project. alauda-ui
- promact/md2 is an old Angular2 library based on Material components. We recomment to not use this library but we list it since it can be useful as educational resource. promact/md2
- ngx-tethys is a a library of UI components created by the chinese company called Worktile. ngx-tethys
- devextreme/angular is suite of more than 65 Angular components that are responsive, touch enabled and MIT-licensed, they are developed by DevExpress a renowned software development company that has already won well over 200 industry award. devextreme/angular
- syncfusion/ej2-angular-ui-components is another Angular UI components library that offer more than 80 cross-browser, responsive, and lightweight angular UI controls for building modern web applications. The library is open-source and developed by the company called Syncfusion a very reputed software development company also famous for online products like PDF converter and eSign utility. syncfusion/ej2-angular-ui-components
- antwerp/ui_angular is a set of UI components and utility functions developed by Digipolis Antwerp, the IT partner of the Belgian city of Antwerp. antwerp/ui_angular