Angular Component Libraries
Browse our comprehensive list of all the best component libraries to integrate into your project. These components also called "commercial off-the-shelf" or COTS are build to be generic in order to be used and reused in any project and at any company. Component libraries.
Libraries to Use the DOM
Browse our comprehensive list of all the best libraries to work effectively with the Document Object Model (HTML DOM) in Angular. Finding the bookstore that matches your needs allows you to focus on the added value of your project. DOM Libraries.
Libraries for HTTP communication
Take a look at our comprehensive list of all the best bookstores for facilitating communications using the HTTP protocol. These libraries allow you to easily integrate additional options to traditional HTTP requests. HTTP Libraries.
Libraries for user interfaces
Browse our comprehensive list of all the best libraries to build user-friendly interfaces. Bootstrap, Material, Clarity, Ng-Zoro... Find here all these UI libraries recognized by the Angular community. UI Librairies.
Libraries for Jamstack
Find our selection of all the best libraries to develop fast and secure websites using the Jamstack as a development tool, ie JavaScript, APIs and Markups. Jamstack Libraries.
Libraries for Monorepository
Find our selection of all the best libraries to architect your monorepository of Javascript / Angular projects with tools such as Nx Workspace or Lerna. Libraries Monorepository.
Libraries for NgRx
Discover our complete list of all the best libraries to easily integrate and efficiently use a state management system in a centralized store via NgRx. These numerous extensions allow you to professionalize your use of NgRx. NgRx Librairies.
Routing libraries for Angular
Find out our complete list of the best routing libraries in order to work in a large scale application in the best possible conditions. Indeed those routing libraries allows you to keep your code base healthy and maintainable with modules already designed and recognized by Angular experts. Routing libraries.
Libraries for RxJS
Find our selection of all the best libraries to develop reactive applications using RxJS to its fullest capacity thanks to a wide range of highly useful and ready-to-use operator extensions. RxJS Librairies.
Utility libraries for Angular
Find our complete list of all the best utility libraries to optimize your Angular projects. Indeed, a good knowledge and a rigorous choice of utility libraries allows you to simplify your project by using modules already designed and recognized by the Angular community. Utility libraries.